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Sustainable Development

Lotus 176 (2024)

The concept of sustainable development is criticized by movements connected with the theory of degrowth, who see the idea as a contradiction in terms, an oxymoron, since growth by its verynature can be neither sustainable nor lasting. And yet this concept has led to a change in sensibilityout of which have come many reassessments of the theoretical status of the architectural projectand its limitations, as well as a reconsideration of the notion of duration prompted by dramaticimages of climate change, large-scale migration, and so on. Influenced by this change of sensibility,architects are paying particular attention to residual traces and environmentally friendly situations,including small ecosystems like biotopes with their unique characteristics of temperature,humidity, light and so on. And a few optimists, scanning the scenes of emigrations in the east,may notice the appearance of textile structures coming from an ancient nomad culture.


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Climate Change
Acqua / Water
Aria / Air
Protesta / Protest
In viaggio / On the Move
Le rotte migratorie / Migration Routes
Camp Life
Amartya Sen
Sviluppo sostenibile e responsabilità /
Sustainable Development and Responsibilities
Le migrazioni di Appadurai / Appadurai’s Migrations
What Remains
Köln, 1940-1945
Peter Zumthor
Kolumba Museum
Cologne, Germany, 2007
Textile Architecture
Studio Anna Heringer
Dipdii Textiles,
Rudrapur-Birgonj, Bangladesh, 2012
Ceramics in the Kitchen
Yasmeen Lari, Heritage Foundation of Pakistan
Chulha Stoves, Pakistan, 2013-
Phenomenology of the Shelter
Il fenomeno di Drop City /
The Phenomenon of Drop City
Home for All. Un posto per tutti /
A Place for Everybody
Shelter per le divinità portafortuna /
Shelter for Lucky Deities
Henning Larsen
Biotope, Lille, France, 2020
Japanese Garden
Kengo Kuma Architects
Portland Japanese Garden Cultural Village
Portland, Oregon, USA, 2017
Inside the Whale
Mario Cucinella Architects
Asilo Nido Iride, Guastalla, Italia, 2015
Anonima Agricola
Captcha Architecture
Anonima Agricola
Orbetello, Grosseto, Italia, 2019-22
Maurizio Ferraris
Per una crescita felice / For a Harmonious Growth
Pierluigi Nicolin
I limiti della foresta e della città /
The Limits of the Forest and the City
Scene da un dialogo /
Scenes from a Dialogue
I diversi modi di intendere la città /
The Different Ways of Understanding the City
Inequalities #2
24a Esposizione Internazionale, Triennale Milano
24th International Exhibition, Triennale Milano
Stefano Boeri
Geopolitics and Biopolitics of Inequalities
Telmo Pievani
Cambio di prospettiva / Change of Perspective