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Il nuovo in Architettura / The New in Architecture
Dove / Where
Identità / Identities
Rinascite / Rebirth
Ibridi / Hybrids
Strutture / Structures
Genoa Bridge
Renzo Piano
Ponte Polcevera, Genoa, Italia, 2018
Nina Bassoli
La via del nuovo ponte / On the Road of the New Bridge
Il concorso per il parco / The Competition for the Park
Les Halles, 1854-2016
Patrick Berger Jacques Anziutti Architectes
Le Pole Chatelet - Les halles, Paris, 2007-16
From Police to Art
Herzog & de Meuron
Tai kwun, Centre for Heritage & Art
Hong Kong, China, 2006-18
From Rotterdam to New York
Timmerhuis Rotterdam, Rotterdam, 2009-15
Torino città aperta / Torino Open City
CZA - Cino Zucchi Architetti
HQ Lavazza, Torino, 2011-17
Giampiero Bosoni
Dal recupero alla rigenerazione / From Reclamation to Regeneration
Innesto / Grafts
Flores & Prats
Casal Balanguer, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 2016
Contesto / Context
Noura al Sayeh and Leopold Banchini
House of Architectural Heritage
Muharraq, Kingdom of bahrain, 2017
Contrasto / Contrast
David Closes
Auditorium in Sant Francesc Convent
Santpedor, Spain, 2011
Townhouse in London
31/44 Architects
Redchurch Townhouse
Shoreditch, London, 2015-18
Restauro, Palingenesi /
Restoration, Palingenesis
Michele Nastasi
Icone dal web / Icons from the web
The Social Inspiration
Pierluigi Nicolin
Dal mito dell'originalità alla cultura della copia /
From the Myth of Originality to the Culture of the Copy