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Manufactured Altered Landscape

Lotus 164 (2017)

In its probing of a topography that shows all the modifications of the landscape, what emerges from the photographers’ work published in Lotus is the disquieting question of whether a transformation of the very being of our planet is taking place as a result of human intervention. And in effect what we see in the pages of the magazine is a succession of images of alterations that have led to a sort of concealment of nature with other images in which we glimpse its reappearance, almost as if it were an object from another time, a “deep time.” As Jean-Christophe Bailly puts it: “what we feel, passing through the landscapes that surround us, is that the discrepancy between what we used to consider their legitimate representation and what they are actually becoming has grown, making room for an expectation of new images—images that would be not so much ‘realistic’ as simply in keeping with the fundamental tone of the age.”

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12.00 euro

27.00 euro


Pierluigi Nicolin
Manufactured Altered Landscape
Andreas Gursky
Contemporary Sublime
Primi paesaggi analogici / Early Analogue Landscapes
Crosta terrestre / Earth’s Crust
Paesaggi digitalmente alterati / Digitally Altered Landscapes
Wout Berger
Topografie / Topographies
Micropaesaggi / Micro-Landscapes
Terreni tossici / Toxic Soils
Fiori di strada / Roadside Flowers
Simone Nieweg
Campi / Fields
Colture ai margini / Growing Things on the Margins
Paesaggi quotidiani / Everyday Landscapes
Nina Bassoli
Incrostazioni / Encrustations
Francesco Repishti
Aletheia, svelatezza / Aletheia, disclosure
Thomas Struth
La coscienza dell’occhio / The Conscience of the Eye
In paradiso / In Paradise
Al museo / At the Museum
Dentro le chiese / Inside Churches
Unconscious Places
Axel Hütte
Terra Incognita
Dall’oscurità / Out of Darkness
La presenza dell’architettura / The Presence of Architecture
Il sublime urbano / The Urban Sublime 
Jean-Christophe Bailly
Une lisibilité a venir?
Michele Nastasi
Sublime e perturbante, alterazioni del paesaggio / Sublime and Uncanny, Modifications of the Landscape
Richard Misrach
Altered Landscape
Petrochemical America
The U.S.-Mexico Border
Desert Cantos
On the Beach
Wolfgang Tillmans
Esperimenti possibili / Possible Experiments
L’accostamento alla città / Approaching the City
Avanzi di natura morta / Remnants of Still Life
Gaia Piccarolo
About New Topographics
Carlo Boccadoro
Altered Soundscape

Edward Burtynsky 

Toxic Sublime
Water Geography
Cave / Quarries
Saline / Salt Pans
Sonja Braas
Scenari ideali / Ideal Scenarios
Foto da modelli / Photos from Models
You are Here
Maite García Sanchis
After Manufactured Landscapes
Gianluca Didino
Paesaggi alterati / Altered Landscapes