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(Orange County)

Lotus 89 (1996)

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30.00 euro


Il campus di Irvine, California
Irvine Campus, California

Alessandro Rocca
Irvine, piano e architettura del campus
Irvine, Plan and Architecture of the Campus

Progetti di/Projects by
Charles Moore
Frank O. Gehry & Associates
Robert A.M. Stern
Robert Venturi, Denise Scott Brown
Eric Owen Moss
Rebecca L. Binder
James Stirling, Michael Wilford

(Orange County)

Il ranch di Irvine a Orange County: la città che non imita la città
Irvine Ranch of Orange County: The City which Does Not Imitate the City

Robert Moses

Christian Zapatka
A immagine e somiglianza del progresso: la New York costruita da Robert Moses
In Progress’s Own Image: The New York that Robert Moses Built